Through The Eye Of a Needle
Transforming relationships. Building meaningful and enduring relationships with God, self, wife, husband, child, old parent, friend, colleague.
Warning!! This is no “happiness made easy” book. Instead it may disturb, challenge and demand change.
The questions this book asks may make us uncomfortable; but they enlighten. The ideals it urges us to attain may seem daunting; but the author does not leave us wondering “how?”. With revealing insight, clear reasoning, powerful anecdotes and illuminating exercises, all driven by high-octane conviction, he charts out a course of action.If we want to go beyond half-hearted responses to transforming our relationships, this book will do more than just point the way. If we are willing to take responsibility, this book defines a radical paradigm shift.
Published By : Sterling Publishing.
What People Say
“Mr Fernandez writes in a delightfully simple and clear style. The sincere interest of the author in helping the reader work on his/her relationships is apparent in every page of the book.”
M. A. Joe Antony S J
– Editor, The New Leader
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- Through The Eye Of a Needle
- Relationship Management: The Master’s Way
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- Lead Parenting for Troubled and Anxious Parents