Ignatius Fernandez




Through The Eye Of a Needle

Transforming relationships. Building meaningful and enduring relationships with God, self, wife, husband, child, old parent, friend, colleague.

​Warning!! This is no “happiness made easy” book. Instead it may disturb, challenge and demand change.

The questions this book asks may make us uncomfortable; but they enlighten. The ideals it urges us to attain may seem daunting; but the author does not leave us wondering “how?”. With revealing insight, clear reasoning, powerful anecdotes and illuminating exercises, all driven by high-octane conviction, he charts out a course of action.If we want to go beyond half-hearted responses to transforming our relationships, this book will do more than just point the way. If we are willing to take responsibility, this book defines a radical paradigm shift.

Published By : Sterling Publishing.

What People Say

“Mr Fernandez writes in a delightfully simple and clear style. The sincere interest of the author in helping the reader work on his/her relationships is apparent in every page of the book.”

M. A. Joe Antony S J
– Editor, The New Leader